- Accuracy class 2,0 for pressures of25.000 psi and 30.000 psi
- Minimum temperature span: 60 °C
- Minimum pressure range: 0-500 psi
- Maximum pressure range: 0-30.000 psi
- Minimum temperature: -170 °C
- Maximum temperature: +600 °C
- Portable execution (add T to modelnumber)
- Yoke mounting (2" pipe, add Y to modelnumber)
- Mechanical spring wound clockwork revolution time 1 hr, 4 hrs, 8 hrs, 12 hrsor 7 days (clockwise, optional anticlockwise)
- Mechanical spring wound switchableclockwork revolution times 1 hour/15minutes, 1 hr/4 hrs, 24 hours/7 days(clockwise)
- Battery operated multi-programmableSonceboz clock (anti-clockwise)
- Other ranges and process connections available upon request
- Dual pen, triple pen
- Special executions to customer’s special requirements
- Pressure containing parts 316 SS to NACE(sour gas service)
- Accuracy class 1,0 for pressures upto20.000 psi